Representative Projects
Wildfire Restoration in Kawuneeche Valley Next to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Baseline assessment of historic ranch land properties totaling ~250ac including field studies for Soil Burn Severity per USFS protocol combined with GIS mapping agency resource layers, agency consultations
Logistical coordination for chipping ~5,000 burned logs then mulching by helicopter on adjacent National Forest System lands
GPS mapping and GIS analysis of ~2.7mi irrigation ditch system including diversion, conveyance, and distribution plumbing assets; 3yrs restoring and irrigation system and hayfields, now 2yrs irrigating with diversion and crop sale records to agencies
Developed large scale nursery in site, planted many trees 1-18ft tall also shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers
Elk and moose mitigations
Stormwater Infrastructure Survey for Town of Fraser.
Project scientist for GPS-mapping of stormwater assets (grey and green) flowing to Fraser River
Team coordinating on GIS analysis and dashboard
Now developing recommendations for sustainable, low-tech treatment designs
2024 yr-end totals now = 384 culverts, 3.5Kft of storm pipe, and 59Kft open channels
Beaver-Friendly Creek Corridor Restoration near Tabernash.
GIS baseline mapping and asset assessment, wetland habitats
Permaculture restoration design, agency consultation, grant funding
Team leader for monitoring and installations